BB3 device is installed on a metallic sheet. This sheet is hard-mounted in the suitcase, but full mechanical and interferrence protection is guarded by the sheet. All modules and components are fitted on the sheet. All electronic parts are mechanically an interferrence protected by metallic sheets also. All of them are hold by supermagnets only. Removing, reinstalling, repairs and so on procedures are described in service section.
The most important parts for servicing/replacing are FANS and sensors, because all sensors have particullary position next to adequate FAN and their exchanging needs to be followed by refonfigurationg procedure.
Sub-Part 026 Fan1, Vcc = 12VDC max
Sub-Part 027 Fan2, Vcc = 12VDC max
Part 028 Fan3 (AC supply)
Part 029 Fan4 (Tx module)
(A) Module 001 BMS 4s, 40/20A
(B) Module 002 Tx power supply, DCDC converter 8-36V to 13.8V/10A
(C) Module 003 Main DC charge supply, 8-36V to 14.5V/8A
(D) Module 004 MPPT DC solar supply, 14.4V/12.5A
(E) Module 005 Transmitter (Tx) module, VCC = 13.8VDC, Imax=8A, Pmax=64W
(F) Module 006 AC/DC power supply Vout = 12(24)VDC, 150W
(G) Module 007 AC relay NO, Vin = 230VDC, Vcontact = 14.5VDC
(H) Module 008 DC active realy NC, VCC=12VDC, Vcontact = 13.8VDC
(I) Module 009 Tx module DC protect switch, 16B, Vnom = 13.8VDC
(J) Module 010 CAR plug DC protect switch, 4B, Vnom = 14.5VDC
(K) Module 011 LiFePo4 battery DC protect switch 25(32)B, Vnom = 14.5VDC
(L) Module 012 Main AC protect switch, DC side 10(16)B Vnom = 14.5VDC
(M-2) Part 013 Tx WAGO, 2pos, Vnom = 13.8VDC, Inom = 6A
(M-3) Part 014 MAIN DCbus, 3pos, Vnom = 14.5V, Inom = 18.5A
(M-5) Part 015 MAIN DCbus, 5pos, Vnom = 14.5V, Inom = 18.5A
(N3a) Part 016 LiFePo4 battery negative pole to negative BMS input
(N5) Part 017 Negative BMS output - system ground
(N3b) Part 018 system ground
(O) Part 019 Tx module negative pole to DCDC 13.8V negative supply pole
(yyy) Part 021 LiFePO4 battery cell 1
(yyy) Part 022 LiFePO4 battery cell 2
(yyy) Part 023 LiFePO4 battery cell 3
(yyy) Part 024 LiFePO4 battery cell 4
(P) Part 025 Turbo ventilator shaft
(P1) Sub-Part 026 Fan1, Vcc = 12VDC max
(P2) Sub-Part 027 Fan2, Vcc = 12VDC max
Part 028 Fan3 (AC supply)
Part 029 Fan4 (Tx module)
(uuu) Part 030 Sensors breakout module with 6 RJ 45 sockets
Part 031 Fuse module 1
Part 032 Fuse module 2
Part 033 Wago Tx module negative pole to Wago Tx module negative pole
Part 034 Wago Tx module positive pole to Wago M2
Part 035 Interface Panel
Part 036 Control Unit
Sub-Part 037 Main Board
Part 038 Wago MPPT solar regulator batt positive to Wago M5
Part 039 Wago MPPT solar regulator batt negative to Wago N5
Part 040 Wago Solar Positive Pole
Part 041 Wago Solar Negative Pole