To start using BB3 first time, following essential checks must be successfully passed:
Note: BB3 is preconfigured and it's able to work without any additional configurations on frequencies from factory settings except of data reporting to the server until valid SIM card with data access in inserted. Note that default frequency is set so operating BB3 can cause unwanted jamming on default frequency.
receiver settings
transmitter settings
decoder settings
GSM/GPRS module settings
BB3 id value
Saving settings
*Note: for safety reasons, do not switch ON transmitter protection switch through configuration process*
Configurations needed for basic functionality setup
As a first, receiving FM frequency of the partner radio station is needed to set-up. Go to main menu 4 and enter value in kHz. To set-up frequency 87,5MHz, enter value 87500. To set-up frequency 102,1MHz enter 102100. You can also adjust receiver volume, maximum is 63 and it's recommended value. If you are getting low signal on FM receiver, you may try to enable receiver preamplifier by setting "Rx pre-amp" to 1 (on).
To set-up transmitter frequency, go to main menu 2. There you can find two transmitt frequencies:
Tx idle frequency is modulator parking frequency, you can leave it by default settings. Tx out frequency is frequency used for transmitter when transmit is active. Set-up desired frequency (usually the same as receiving one) in kHz again. You can also adjust audio modulation for transmitter. Maximum value is 32.
Set-up transmitter output power, maximum value of 63W is accepted.
Note: transmitter module have nominal power of 50W maximum. You can enter higher value, but higher value we cant not guarantee. It may vary according to a different conditions.
To set-up decoder, go to main menu 3. If you are using different coding scheme than default one, enter adequate values for trigger1 activating use codde1, and for trigger2 activating enter code2. Note that first three characters has fixed value and they cannot be changed. Although to use codding with only three characters is possible, using of 12 characters codding is recommended. If you decide to use shorter codding scheme, advanced decoder configuration is needed.
To use data reporting, GSM/GPRS module with SIM card with data access must be inserted in Mainboard module. All configurations are preconfigured. If there is necessary to change any settings, advanced configuration is needed. To check current configuration, go to menu 9 and sub menu 3 "GSM/GPRS settings". Here you can ask for desired value by right display side clicking to the desired value box. It should return the value within a few seconds.
Note: If there is no response, you may need to repeat the query a few times. Sometimes, when GSM/GPRS module is busy, it does not answer.
To identify BB3 on a server, id value must be updated in main menu 9 under "BlackBox ID" value. The only low byte of the value can be changed. Enter new value in DECADIC form. Displayed id is then in HEX. To change ID to 0x2381, you have to enter decadic value 129
Note: BB ID value must be consulted with BBserver administration! Random value can negatively affect whole project.
The most of the values are active as they entered. But to save changes, you have to activate "Save settings" in main menu 5
Values are saved immediately
Optional configurations for safety operation.
Go to security and protection main menu 7. You may enter maximal operational temperature and humidity. After reaching those values, BB3 refuse all triggers and keep working in idle mode.
You may also enter three digits security pin and enable it's usage (0=off, 1=on). Then,PIN request is active any time after reboot or display screensaver.
To check preset temperature values is recommended. Goto main menu 6 under "Ventilator assign" submenu:
There are a five temperature sensors T1..T5 and four ventilators FAN1..FAN4 Threshold value can be preset for system sensors T1..T4 You may find their position in the box in service menu 6:
S1F1 - turbo shaft exhaust, FAN1 position
S2F2 - turbo shaft entrance and solar charger, FAN2 position
S3F3 - AC charger temperature, FAN3 position
S4F4 - transmitter sensor, FAN4 position
Change temperature thresholds in main menu 6-1 if needed, threshold suppose to be higher than 5-10 degrees up to maximum expected ambient temperature. If not, ventilator(s) can run infinitely.
Note: Sensor positions S1..S4 on service display menu 6 are fixed. Temperature values can have different position according to sensor ID value. So T1 must not be equal to S1 and so on. Configuring sensor positions are part of advanced config. You may note sensor assigning (S to T) for sure. This position should not change unless you are exchanging temperature sensors.