This section is quick hardware overview necessary for BB3 quick start. Detailed hardware description you find in service section. Main user accessible modules:
Assorted from the TOP:
Note: AC switch protects DC side of the AC power supply. AC side is protected by 2A fuse in AC plug in connection shaft. Also, Green signaling LED signals if there is AC power presented, not DC side behind the switch.
Mainboard module has a few important parts:
Works independently from main TFT display. Left button is used to navigate through service menu and right button to activate functionality of the current service menu. For service menu 0 e.g., the activity button forces manual trigger (activate transmitter, mp3 player etc.)
Is used to browse all settings and change them. See full list of main display functionalities.
To use data reporting to the BBserver, valid SIM card with data access must be inserted here. Proper position is SIM facing pins down, with cut corner outside the slot. Take a patience to insert or remove card as the slot is not easy accessible. If SIM is inserted, GSM antenna plugged, connection should be established automatically. There are two signaling led's right of the slot. If connection is successful, blue LED blinks quickly. Green LED is module busy status.
is hidden in the dip to avoid unexpected activation. It forces full mainboard module reset. Note, that some modules (such as MP3 player or transmitter) are not hard reset by this button, just by software command from mainboard. To activate full hardware reset, switch off all main switches. Solar panels must be unplugged also to provide full HW reset.
is used to regulate speaker volume and it has no any influence to internal audio level which feeds transmitter. Internal audio levels to achieve best modulation can be accessed from main display menu. Check BB3 Quick start configuration for more details.
All cables disconnected, from top left:
All antenna plugs connected
Car type plug is used to feed external devices such as mobile phones etc. Also, can be used to feed FM car transmitter which is used for testing purposes.
Note: don't let FM car transmitter plugged in when BB3 operates. As long as it's inserted, it transmits and product noises which may affect a BB3 FM receiver signal quality.